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Key Former Leadership

Professor Xu Deyuan

Xu Deyuan, also known as Xu Runwu, was from Qingyuan, Hebei Province. He taught Chinese in Peiyang University in 1906 and was promoted Superintendent in December 1911. In 1912, the Ministry of Education ordered the University to change the name from “Peiyang Academy” to “Peiyang University”, and renamed as “National Peiyang University” in 1913. The “Superintendent” was renamed “President” as well. He was appointed President of Peiyang University on February 18th, 1912 and served till March 19th, 1913. Xu was the first President of Peiyang University after the 1911 Revolution.
He served as the Superintendent and President of Peiyang University from 1911 to 1913.