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Professor Liu Xianzhou

Liu Xianzhou, President of Peiyang University from 1924 to 1928
Liu Xianzhou, born in WanXian County, Hebei province, was an expert in Mechanical Engineering, an educator and a member of Academic Divisions of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CASAD). In 1918, Mr. Liu graduated from the Mechanical Engineering Department of Hong Kong University with First Class Honors. As a professor and pioneer in the research of Mechanical Engineering, Liu worked at a number of universities. His endeavors in research and design of agricultural machinery suitable for Chinese farming conditions has made a great contribution to the agricultural development of China. He advocated the combination of learning and social practice, and edited the first set of Chinese textbooks for universities in engineering. He laid the foundation for the unification of Mechanical Engineering terminology used in China by publishing the book “English-Chinese Mechanical Engineering Terminology” in 1934.