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Key Former Leadership

Professor Li Jiajun

Professor Li Jiajun was born in Shaoxing, Zhejiang Province, in November 1955. He received his bachelor’s degree from the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Tianjin University, in 1982, and then started to work as a faculty member at the Department of Mechanical Engineering and the Department of Materials Science and Engineering at the same university for nine years. During that period, he received his Master's degree from the Department of Materials Science and Engineering in 1988. Soon afterwards, Professor Li went abroad and obtained his PhD degree in Materials Engineering from University of Wales, Swansea, in 1995. He then came back to Tianjin University to continue his academic career and served as the Deputy Director of Metallurgical Teaching and Research Office at the School of Materials Science and Engineering for two years and then Dean of the School for one year. He was appointed as Deputy Director of the Tianjin Municipal Education Commission in 1998, and then President of Tianjin Polytechnic University from 2001 to 2003. He served as Chairman of Tianjin Municipal Science and Technology Commission, and Head of Tianjin Intellectual Property Office until he was appointed President of Tianjin University in January 2011. He served as President of Tianjin University from January 2011 to September 2016. Professor Li Jiajun's research interests focus on metallic materials and composite materials.