Time: 7:00 pm, July 5, 2022
Online: https://live.bilibili.com/21963219
Speaker: Professor Fan Chunhai, SJTU K. C. Wong Chair Professor, School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China
About the Lecture: DNA is well known to be a genetic molecule with double helix structures. DNA is evolved in nature to follow a simple and precise Watson-Crick pairing rule to encode enormous genetic information in living things. Nevertheless, DNA is not only a carrier of genetic information, but can be regarded a type of molecular information materials. DNA molecules have been exploited as a building block to encode various types of structures that are not present in nature. More recent advances show that nucleic acids-based information materials are increasingly being used for applications including bioimaging, drug delivery and micro-nano fabrication. In this talk, the use of nucleic acids-based information materials for developing molecular machines and data storage will be introduced.
All students and staff of Tianjin University are welcome.