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Two Winners of TJU Bestowed 2013 Wang Daheng Optical Award

Two individuals from the School of Precision Instrument and Optoelectronics Engineering of Tianjin University (TJU) were bestowed a 2013 Wang Daheng Optical Award. Recipients included Professor Li Xiaoying and PhD student Ding Zhenyang.

On December 26, 2013, the Chinese Optical Society selected the conferees of the 2013 Wang Daheng Optical Award, including two Awards for Middle Aged and Young Scientists and 21 Awards for College Students. TJU Professor Li Xiaoying was the first female scientist who won the Award for Middle Aged and Young Scientists.

The Award is funded by Professor Wang Daheng, a member of the Chinese Academy of Science and the Chinese Academy of Engineering. There are two types of awards: Award for Middle Aged and Young Scientist and Award for College Students. The award is distributed biennially, with the aim to promote the development of optical science, encourage the aspiration and innovation among middle-aged and young scientists and college students in the field.