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30th Tianjin Technological Week in TJU


Recently, the Intelligent Manufacturing Forum of the 30th Tianjin Technology Week &Teenager Technological Forum with “Science and China” Activities (the "Intelligent Manufacturing Forum”) was held in the Qiushi Hall of the Peiyang Campus, Tianjin University.

The forum focused on some hot issues, such as Industry 4.0, industrial internet and Made in China 2025, among other topics. The forum focused on the fundamental theory of intelligent manufacturing and introduced intelligent manufacturing technologies and systems to help manufacturing enterprises, policy-making departments and college students understand intelligent manufacturing technology and its application. It was also designed to familiarize participants with related ideas, techniques, products and solutions, and explore how to analyze, reason, plan, make policy and engage in other intelligent activities in the process of intelligent manufacturing more flexible, intelligent and integrated products. The goal was to increase and expand people’s mental work capacity in manufacturing processes. The forum attracted more than 1,300 people, including people from colleges and universities, research institutes and innovative enterprises. It served as not only a bridge linking the enterprises and audience, but also a platform enhancing the development of innovative programs of intelligent manufacturing.

Participants of the forum opening ceremony included: Zhang Lizhu, the Vice President of the Tianjin Scientific and Technological Association, Shu Gequn, the Vice President of Tianjin University, Ding Han, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Dean of the School of Mechanical Science and Engineering of the Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Ye Shenghua, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and professor of the School of Precision Instrument and Opto-electronics Engineering of Tianjin University, Li Dichen, a Chang Jiang Scholar and specially-appointed professor of the Xi’an Jiaotong University, Huang Tian, an expert in advanced manufacturing technology of the National “863” Program, Chang Jiang Scholar and professor of the School of Mechanical Engineering of Tianjin University, Wang Tianyou, a pioneering talent of scientific and engineering innovation of the Ministry of Science and Technology, national excellent youth and Deputy Dean of the School of Mechanical Engineering of Tianjin University, and leaders and experts from the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the Nankai University and the Tianjin Robot Industry Association.

Ding Han, Li Dichen and Huang Tian delivered “3D Printing Manufacturing Technology—— Key to Innovation and Entrepreneurship” and other reports, which focused on explaining the concept and the current situation in intelligent manufacturing, as well as its application in industrial production. The experts’ explanation was well received by the audience a lot and encouraged them to participate in the discussion and state their own experience and vision about the development of intelligent manufacturing.

This forum is a response to the creative ideas of the “13th Five-year Plan”, representing the strategy of rejuvenating China through science and education and showing China’s advanced level in the development of intelligent manufacturing industry. The exhibitors believe that the forum has opened the window for their innovative publicity and created opportunities for technological exchanges among enterprises, helping them expand their market, improve the conversion rate of science and technology, enhance the momentum for technological innovation, share benefits brought by knowledge and achieve win-win results. The audience learned a great deal of new information about technological innovation and broadened their horizon. The forum has generated a lot of discussion about intelligent manufacturing, situated in an atmosphere of technological study and exploration.

This “Intelligent Manufacturing Forum” is the continuation of innovative spirit in science and technology and a representation of the idea of innovative development. Based on intelligent manufacturing and targeting to technological innovation, the forum examined the hot issues that have attracted much attention, exerting deep and far-reaching influence on enterprises, policy-making departments and college students. Journeying along this exciting frontier of science and technology, the forum will definitely lead to the progress of China’s technological industry, boost the economic development through science and technology, and enhance China’s national strength through economic progress.