Nitrogen (N) is one of the essential nutrients for living organisms. Since entering the Anthropocene, N pollution in surface earth has been increasing and influencing ecosystem structure and function. It is commonly concerned by environmental earth science and ecology that how much N in natural environments is available for plants, which forms and to what proportions are actually used by plants, and how plants utilize N against environmental changes.
Supported by the Key Project (Grant No. 41730855) and Outstanding Youth Foundation (Grant No. 41522301) of Natural Science Foundation of China, Prof. Xue-Yan Liu in the Institute of Surface-Earth System Science of Tianjin University investigated sources and utilizing mechanisms of nitrate in plants of arctic tundra, temperate and tropical/subtropical forests with researchers in Kyoto University of Japan and Marine Biology Laboratory of USA. By applying novel methods of N and oxygen isotopes geochemistry in combination with parameters of soil N, plant N uptake and enzymatic reduction, they revealed that nitrate is an important N source for arctic tundra plants. This finding updated the knowledge of plant N availability in arctic tundra, which is critical for better understanding N and carbon cycling dynamics in arctic ecosystems and their responses to environmental changes. Moreover, this study quantified the direct acquisition of nitrate by plants in low-latitude regions and highlighted the importance and challenge to further investigate influences of atmospheric N pollution on soil N loading and plant N use.
These results have been published online in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS) on March 15, 2018 (, with the title of “Nitrate is an important nitrogen source for arctic tundra plants”.
Distributions of Δ17O and δ18O in nitrate of atmosphere-plant-soil systems