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Alternative Pathways for Efficient CO2 Capture by Hybrid Processes

Recently, Associate Professor Chunfeng Song in School of Environmental Science and Engineering published an important review “Alternative pathways for efficient CO2 capture by hybrid processes—A review” in Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews (IF: 9.184). CO2 capture and storage technologies have been recognized as the primary option to mitigate the issue of climate change caused by the utilization of fossil fuels. In the last decades, several CO2 capture approaches have been developed, such as absorption, adsorption, membrane, cryogenic, hydrate and chemical looping combustion etc. However, the energy penalty is a general challenge for each technology. To overcome the disadvantages of standalone technology, the combination of two or more approaches (namely hybrid CO2 capture processes) has been considered as a potential option. 

In this review, the development process of hybrid CO2 capture was reviewed. The existing hybrid CO2 capture processes have been classified into four types (i.e. absorption based, adsorption based, membrane based and cryogenic based). The advantages and challenges of hybrid CO2 capture processes are also summarized. The review will provide a significant reference for the development of second-generation CCS technologies. ( 

Fig. 1. The cover of “Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews”. 

Fig. 2. Existing hybrid CO2 capture processes. 

Fig. 3. The main CO2 capture technologies. 

By: School of Environmental Science and Engineering

Editors: Qin Mian and Keith Harrington