Recently, the National Dragon Boat Invitation Race, the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Dragon Boat Challenge Race, and the Beijing Dragon Boat Race were held in Beijing.
Tianjin University's Dragon Boat Team “Peiyang Dragon” won second prize in the National Dragon Boat Race (250 meters mixed event), a second prize and a third prize in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Dragon Boat Challenge Race (250 meters straight course mixed race, and 500 meters straight course mixed race respectively).
Tianjin University's Dragon Boat Team was composed of 15 students, including 13 undergraduates and two postgraduates.
All the race events were of mixed crews, with two women paddlers in each boat.
One team member Liu Ruicheng said after the race: “All the exhaustion and excitement were released in the one whoop. I am very proud to be a Tianjin University Dragon Boat member.”