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The American Chemical Society Global Engagement Award

Tianjin University’s School of Pharmaceutical Science and Technology (SPST) through the American Chemical Society (ACS)’ JingJinJi International Chemical Sciences Chapter was recently awarded the ACS “Global Engagement Award for International Chemical Sciences Chapters” amongst a competitive field of finalists from Malaysia, Nigeria, Saudi Arabia and Shanghai. The award was presented on 22 August, 2017 at the 19th Annual ACS ChemLuminary Awards Ceremony during the 254th National Meeting and Exposition in Washington DC, USA. 

The American Chemical Society has nearly 157,000 chemists from around the globe and the awards are given in support of research in the chemical sciences as a means for recognizing achievements and encouraging future progress. The award presented to the JingJinJi International Chemical Sciences Chapter was in recognition of the "Chemistry in the Community: Health Sciences" event held at Tianjin University on December 10, 2016.  The event was attended by over 1,400 people from Tianjin, Beijing, and Hebei, and through the engagement of school children, parents, and teachers was a wonderful example of how to open up the world of chemistry to new generations.

The award was an incredible recognition of all the students and volunteers who made the "Chemistry in the Community: Health Sciences" event which was orchestrated by Professor Nathaniel Finney, the Faculty Advisor of the ACS Student Chapter, such a success. Professor Jay Siegel, Dean of Tianjin University’s School of Pharmaceutical Science and Technology who established the Chapter in December, 2016 and is the current Chair, was extremely proud of the achievement, especially for such a young Chapter that was  recently founded. 

A list of the 2017 ChemLuminary Award Winners can be found at:

By: Jeanette Mar, SPST

 Editor: Qin Mian